Taxprep for Trusts 2022.2.1

EFILE Transmission Results

The EFILE Transmission Results dialog box displays immediately at the end of the electronic transmission of an eligible document. Among other things, it contains information relating to the transmission such as the EFILE status of a document, the confirmation number and the document control number (DCN).

You can select a transmission date to display all electronic transmissions performed at that time. Taxprep for Trusts indicates the number of accepted documents as well as the number of rejected documents.

This section displays the list of all transmissions performed on the date chosen above. In particular, it includes the name of the taxpayer, the type of document transmitted and the tax authority answer.

When the document is accepted by the tax authority:

  • the EFILE status becomes "Accepted"
  • a confirmation is provided to you
  • a document control number (DCN) is provided to you

When the document is rejected by the tax authority:

  • the EFILE status becomes "Rejected"
  • a message as well as an error code indicates the reason for the rejection
Note: The information is also available in the EFILE Log and the EFILE INFO form.

The detailed version of the CRA provides additional information. In addition to the information already presented in the EFILE Transmission Results dialog box, the detailed version also provides the location of the client file as well as the result code.

Taxprep for Trusts allows you to print the list of documents transmitted to the tax authorities for the selected date.

Note: If you receive an error message that does not include any identifiable error code or if the tax authority has not been able to accept your document (e.g. because of technical problems related to the Web site of the tax authority, a message will display providing you with detected errors. The EFILE value will remain "Eligible."